Anxiety stems into many sub categories. In our last post, we spoke about John, our friend who suffers from high functioning anxiety, which is one type of anxiety with very distinct symptoms and characteristics. The main types of anxiety include Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Panic Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) , Social Phobia (or Social Anxiety Disorder).
Now, most of us will feel anxious to some extent. Life is hard, it gets stressful, we have a lot to deal with every single day. The problem with anxiety is that more often than not, the victim is not even aware that he or she is suffering from an anxiety-related disorder because it is extremely difficult for the person to set the boundaries as to what is anxiety and what is general daily stress and worry, especially if he's not aware of the nuances of mental health.
How can you figure out if you have anxiety?
These are the major most distinguishable symptoms of anxiety.
1) You feel worried all the time, even when there is no specific trigger leading to that worry.
2) You feel your health deteriorate in moments of extreme stress.
3) You tend to be restless and agitated all the time
4) You might have difficulty concentrating and focusing on your work or studies
5) You often feel weak and tired and groggy
If you have the slightest doubt that you might be suffering from anxiety for a long time, and no matter what you do to feel better, it just doesn't go away, the best thing to do is seek professional help.
Yes, I know. Seeking help translates in your mind as being weak; as not being strong enough to control your emotions. Well, listen up. Anxiety is often beyond your control. It deals with chemical and hormonal imbalances in your brain. And you might think you're doing everything you need to get better but professionals have knowledge that you just don't, and they can help!
So if you do have anxiety, put your walls down, and decide to take care of yourself by letting someone guide you to your healing and recovery.